Privacy policy

IMPORTANT: This Privacy Policy is intended to make known how we collect, process and protect personal data that is provided through our website or blog (hereinafter website) and to decide freely whether you want us to process it.


Principles regarding your privacity

  •  We will never ask for personal information unless it is really necessary to provide the services required by the users.
  • We will never share the personal information of the users with anyone, except for complying with the law or in the case that we have the express authorization of the user.
  • We will never use the user’s personal data for an objective that is different from that stated in this privacy policy.

It is necessary to warn that this Privacy Policy can be modified with the aim of updating it according to new regulatory requirements, so that the users are advised to visit it periodically.


Regulations for this webpage

ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L ( has adapted this webpage according to the demands of Regulation 15/1999 of 13th December for data protection (LOPD), Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21st December developing LOPD, Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council from April 27 th , 2016, and Law 3/208, of protection of personal data and guarantees and digital rights (LOPDGDD), as well as Law 34/2002, from July 11 th , of Services of the Society of Information and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI).

Data of the Responsible / Information Society Service Provider

For the processing of data of our users, we will implement all the technical and organizational measures for security according to current legislation.

  • Company name: ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L
    • Commercial name: Aragón sin gluten (
    • NIF/CIF: B-99472862
    • Address: C/LEON XIII Nº21, 1ºD ZARAGOZA 50008
    • Email:
    • Activity: Web information and services

Principles that will be applied to your personal information

During the processing of personal data, we will apply the following principles, which are in accordance with the new regulation RGPD:

  • Legality, loyalty and transparency: We will always require your consent for the processing of your personal data for one or various specific aims, about which we will inform you previously with absolute transparency.
  • Minimization of data: We will only ask for strictly necessary data related with the aims for which these are required.
  • Limits on storage time: the data will be maintained for no longer than necessary for the aims of processing.
  • Integrity and confidentiality: Your data will be processed in such manner that an adequate security of the personal data and their confidentiality is guaranteed. ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. will take the necessary precautions in order to avoid non-authorized access or improper use of the data from our users by third parties.

How have we obtained your data?

The personal data we deal with come from:

Contact form

Correo electrónico

User registration




What are your rights when you provide your data?

The interested individuals have the right to:

Access: Access your personal data possessed by ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L.

Rectification: Modify or rectify your inexact data possessed by ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L.

Cancelation: Cancel your personal data, when they are no longer needed, from the databases of ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L.

Opposition: To oppose the use of your data for an aim that has not been chosen, of the services provided by ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L.

Portability: To solicit the change of your records in an automated folder for another company, from the database possessed by ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L.

  • Limitation: To limit the use and period of use of your data by ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L., in which case they will only be conserved according to the tax legislation and for exercising of demands.
  • Removal (Right to be forgotten): To solicit the elimination of your history, if the case may be, on the Internet (See RGPD).

Lastly, we inform you about your right to present a complaint to the pertaining supervising authority in matters of protection of data, and more specifically, to the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (

Those interested can access their personal data, as well as ask for the rectification of the inexact data, or when applicable, solicit their removal when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the objectives for which they were collected. In specific circumstances, those interested can solicit the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case these will only be conserved for the exercise or defense of claims.

In specific circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, those interested will be able to oppose to the processing of their data. ABIOPEP will stop processing the data, except for legitimate purposes, or in the exercise or defense of possible claims. As the interested party, you have the right that the portability of your data is performed, meaning, to receive the personal data you have provided to us and to transmit them to another party responsible for processing of data when:

  • The processing is based on consent.
  • The data has been provided by the person interested.
  • The processing is performed by automated means.


When exercising the right of portability of data, the user will have the right that the personal data are directly transmitted from the responsible party to another responsible party when it is technically possible.

Those interested will also have the right to the current legal protection and will be able to present a claim to the supervising authority, in this case, the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, if they consider that the processing of personal data that concerns them infringes the Regulations.

Why do we use your personal data?

When a user connects with our webpage for example to ask for products or services information, to send an email or subscribe to the webpage, he/she is facilitating personal information whose responsible is ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. ( This information may include personal data such as IP address, name, physical address, email address, phone number or other information. As the user provides this information, he/she consents that it will be collected, utilized, managed and stored by ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. (, as described in the Legal Notice and in this Privacy Policy.

In ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. ( there are different systems of information capture tools and we use this data for the following purposes:

–          Contact form: We ask for name, surname, email, phone number to answer the requirements of our users. Those data will be stored in the 1&1 IONOS España S.L.U. servers, being the hosting of ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. ( inside the EU.

–          To guarantee the accomplishment of the terms of use and the applicable laws. This could include the development of tools and algorithms that help this webpage guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data collected.

–          To help and improve this web services

–          Other unidentified data are collected through some cookies downloaded in the user’s computer when browsing this webpage detailed in the cookies policy.

–          To manage social networks.  ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. ( may be present in social networks. Data management of followers will be governed by this section, the user’s data will be treated with the purpose to manage correctly his/her presence in the social network, informing about activities, products or services of ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. ( or other functionalities permitted. In any case should we use our follower´s profiles to send publicity in an individual way.

According to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) 2016/679, ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. ( sited in C/ Leon XIII Nº21, 1ºD Zaragoza 50008 will be responsible for the data treatment of webpage users and subscribers.

ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. ( does not sell, rent or transfer personal data that can identify the user, not even in the future, to third parties without previous consent. However, in some cases there could be collaborations with other professionals, and in this case, user´s consent will be required informing about the collaborator identity and collaboration finality. This will be always done with the most strict security standards.

Legitimation for the processing of data

ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. is legitimized for the processing of your personal data, based on the consent of the interested party, as described in the article 6.1a of aforementioned RGPD.

Data storage time

The personal data provided will be stored as long a business relationship is maintained, and when appropriate, during the years necessary for complying with the legal obligations or until the interested party requests the removal of this data.

To whom will be user’s data communicated?

To give services strictly necessary for the activity development, ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. ( shares data with the following providers under their corresponding privacy conditions:

  • Google Analytics: an analytic web service provided by Google Inc, they use cookies, which are computer text files to help ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. ( analyze the website use. The information generated by the cookie will be directly forwarded and stored by Google in US servers.
  • Hosting: 1&1 IONOS España, S.L.U. sited in Spain, trats data in order to host ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. (


Web browsing

When browsing ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. ( webpage one can collect undentified data that could include IP addresses, geographic ubication, etc. that cannot be used to identify the user. Among those data, browsing habits through third party services. This webpage uses the following third party analysis service: Google analytics, Twitter analytics, Facebook pixel.

We use this information to analyze trends, manage the site, browse users movements and to gather demographic information about our users base.

Security measures

ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L.  is committed to the use and processing of personal data of the users, respecting their confidentiality, to use them in agreement with their objective, as well as to comply with the obligation of storing them and utilize all the measures available to avoid alteration, loss, processing or non-authorized access, in agreement with the current guidelines of protection of data.

If a security incident occurs, as soon as ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L.  is aware, the user will be notified without delay, and the user will be provided with the appropriate information related with the security incident as soon as it is known.

Accuracy of data

The user is the only responsible party of the truthfulness of the data the user provides ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L., releasing ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L.  from any responsibility in this respect.

The users guarantee and respond, in any of the cases, to the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and commit to maintaining them properly updated. The user accepts providing complete and correct information in the contact form or membership form.

Acceptance and consent

The user declares having been informed about the conditions of the protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to their processing by ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L.  in the manner and for the objectives indicated in this privacy policy.


The consent provided, for the processing as well as for the transfer of data of those interested parties, is revocable at any time by communicating this to ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. within the terms established in this Privacy Policy for the exercising of their rights.

Changes in the Privacy Policy

ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L.  reserves the right to modify the present policy to adapt it to new legal developments, as well as industry practices. In such cases, in this same page, the changes introduced will be announced with sufficient notice before they are implemented.

Commercial emails

According to the LSSICE, ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. ( does not pursue SPAM practices, therefore we do not send commercial emails that have been previously solicited or authorized by the user. For that reason, in each of the web forms, the user has the possibility to give consent to receive an answer or information, regardless the commercial information requested.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Law 34/2002 of Information Society Services and ecommerce, ARAGON SIN GLUTEN S.L. ( undertakes not to send commercial information unless properly identified.